
Nonprofit Data Transformation Toolkit

The future of data-led fundraising has arrived, and nonprofit organizations who want to see sustainable fundraising growth must be willing to:

  • Embrace data as an asset

  • Transform their data management practices

  • Build a strong foundation that supports data-driven decision making

To help you on your journey through data, RKD Group has compiled a toolkit full of our top data management resources.

What we're sharing

How data can take your fundraising to new heights

Data is the key to nonprofit growth, and we aim to show you why – and how – throughout this toolkit.

The basics of data governance

Data governance is so important to getting started that we compiled a checklist to help you build your own guidebook.

Keys to a strong data strategy

We map out the building blocks to a successful data-driven program.

Resources to guide you along the way

Our data experts regularly publish informational blogs, eBooks and podcasts to help you in your journey.

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